The last blog post finished on a note of defeat on trying to find a mouse hole to run the wires for the new solar panel. A few friends wrote words of encouragement as to the miracles that might ensue given further persistence (thanks for the vote of confidence.)
However, sometimes mountains remain intractably immovable. After my personal conclusions to that effect, expert electrician Colin, confirmed there was in fact no way through the preferred route, short of dismantling the entire boat.
Hence, a rather unobtrusive external plastic conduit and hole through the deck were the only sensible recourse, so today we spent the morning on this last job. Yay! Another potential 3 - 5 amps of solar power per sunny hour.
Tonight we bade farewell to Maria Semple who is flying back down to cold old Melbourne, after having enjoyed the past week cruising the Coral Sea aboard Shanti.
Colin and Cam sailed in company with us on "First Contact" out to Herald Island, an RAAF practice bombardment site where potential unexploded bombs preclude walking above high water mark. From there we sailed to Horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island where long walks into the interior can be enjoyed to one's heart's content. We took the Fort's walk, about 7 km each way, saw two koala bears, a few butterflies, some magnificent soaring eagles, and hoards of tourists.
The view to the Forts, looking back toward Horseshoe Bay - by far the most popular anchorage on the island with a count of over 40 boats anchored.
Yesterday's sail back to the Yacht Club was one of those perfect days that are supposed to occur ten percent of the time. Well, so they say... whoever "they" are ... though one in ten still seems high to me. However, the sun was shining, the skies blue, the whales slapping and breaching, with a gentle 8 knot breeze on the beam. Who could ask for more?
Thanks Colin, for everything.
Shanti is now much better prepared for safe, reliable, comfortable cruising.
Tomorrow morning I depart Townsville, taking advantage of the northerlies to head south. My plan is to sail through the night as far as I can until the southerlies resume, possibly sometime around midday Thursday.
I shall miss Townsville and the good friends here.